Sunday, October 30, 2011


Sooo, I suck at Halloween. I've never been good at coming up with costume ideas. I always just scramble something together last minute, if I even remember at all. And so for this particular Halloween dance at school, My friend, Yiselle, and I went as nerds. Superhero nerds. Okay, well, we just wore superhero shirts and suspenders and some glasses. It's all we had at the time! But, we did look cute. Just sayin'.

We always somehow go as the same thing to whatever kind of dance or school event where you dress up, and we are dressed almost exactly the same. Thank goodness, we're best friends.

Overall? It was a good dance. Definitely had it's highlights... like interpretive dancing with Brigham! Fun kid. Oh and here's my favorite costume at the dance. My absolute favorites. Too bad I can't ever be this clever when it comes to Halloween.

Oh, yeah. Do the creep.


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